Personal Shopping Service

Do you need help finding the perfect Christmas gifts?

Are you short on time or ideas?

Whether you’re looking for a stunning big-ticket item for one child or a range of items for multiple children, our expert personal shoppers are here to help.

With a nominal upfront fee of $49 that is credited from your purchase (making the service free), our Personal Shoppers will change the way you shop.



1. Book the experience by clicking the Book Now button below and paying your 

2. Our personal shopping team will email you a simple questionnaire to help point them in the right direction.

3. The team will then find the right gifts for the right people while you get on with all the other things you need to do.

4. The team will then send you an email link to a Shopping Cart filled with all your expertly selected gifts. Keep what you want - discard what you don't!

5. We will then dispatch the gifts as per your instructions within 48 hours.



1. Have no more feelings of overwhelm - the experts are on the job.

2. Save time wandering in and out of stores with growing frustration.

3. Save money buy buying quality gifts that you know will be used and enjoyed.

4. Get all the compliments - everyone will want to know how you did it.


Let us help you find the perfect gifts this year.




Please contact us with any questions. Or even if you’re just curious.

We will be happy to talk to you about your personal situation, frustrations and possible solutions!

You can either contact us directly on 03 9754 1122 or fill in the form below.