Nature Craft with Children: Butterfly Mobile

Nature Craft with Children: Butterfly Mobile

This month we’re sharing a simple nature craft activity that you can do with your children using a few of our favourite nature play craft products 😊 

The craft is easily adaptable for younger / older children, and can be made as simple or as complex as you like.



We used the following products: DAS air dry clay (white), butterfly cutter, gold biodegradable glitter, wooden roller and Golden Fleece yarn.


We also used a needle, and scissors.

And we sourced fresh flowers and a stick from our garden 😊


To start we took out some of the air dry clay and rolled it out to about 1cm thickness, and then cut out five butterflies. We then pierced a small hole at the top of each one, where we were planning to hang them from.  


To decorate our butterflies, we sprinkled gold biodegradable glitter, and pushed flowers in. You could also mix glitter, coloured dye, or dried petals into the air dry clay before cutting out the shapes, so it appears on both sides of the butterfly.
Now they need to dry… how long this takes will depend on the weather, but you can get everything else ready while you wait, or leave until the following day.


When you are ready to put the mobile together, lay out your stick and place the butterflies roughly where you'd like them to hang, we staggered ours at different heights for some interest. You can then cut lengths of yarn in your chosen colours, make a double knot at one end and using the needle you made the hole with, thread the yarn through the hole, then wrap around the stick a couple of times and double knot to secure it. Repeat for however many butterflies you have made, then chop any ends of yarn to tidy up.


Don’t forget to add an extra-long length along the top, and then you’re all ready to hang it!

We'd love to see your creations!



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