18 Perfect Iso Mother's Day Ideas To Make Mums Feel Special And Dads Look Amazing
Thanks to Covid-19, we are having to change the usual way we celebrate with our families this year, and Mothers day will be no different. So that we don’t all pause our lives, I have spent some time digging into my inner Happiest-Mum-In-The-World and put together everything that would put the biggest smile on my face and in my heart.
The thinking is done for you, you don’t have to come up with crazy ideas - these will keep your wife happy, and show her how much you care while she is in isolation. Enjoy the read, but more than anything, make sure you execute and don’t skimp on the details, it’s all about the little details – Trust Me.
A lot of little special things throughout the day with a huge amount of thought (mine or yours, it doesn’t matter) will be just what she needs to power on and keep the family going strong through the rest of our lockdown.
And in saying that, these don’t have to only be for Mothers Day - why not make it your mission to do something wonderful for the love of your life every week/month?
Just imagine the brownie points you would get if you did one of these every single month, I mean,absolutely nailed it and made 2020 the year of having a day for her every month. Now wouldn’t she be the envy of her friends! If that’s a bit much though, save it for birthdays or special occasions - celebrating doesn’t always have to be about leaving the house and buying presents, sometimes the best things of all are the ones that you put your time and energy into!
Get cracking, it’s only a few weeks away, remember; May 10th 2020!
1. Breakfast in Bed
This is a staple, but maybe this time add a flower and some love notes to the tray as a surprise. Plus, these picnic tables are stunning and double as a breakfast table.
Use Code Hugs for an upgrade to Express Shipping so they arrive in time
2. Gift Vouchers (for time off/alone)
Not just one voucher but extend it for the week - 7 days of an hour just for her! Then she can then say each day, I’m going for my hour of …….. and all you need to do is make sure you keep the kids, dog, phone, everything, away from her and give her 7 hours of private over the week – she’ll be a new woman!
Download some vouchers to fill in HERE!
3. Slide Show
Go through old photos and make a slide show to put on the TV for you all to watch together. Corny but wonderful.
4. Inspirational Bangle
Remind her of how amazing she is - these bangles are great and you can choose which ever message you think will resonate with her. The quotes are powerful reminders to keep going, you can do this, we all have bad days and need a little help... Every day forever, she will be remember this time and how much you all care about her!
Use Code biggerhugs to get a free Hope Anchor with every purchase.
5. High Tea
Make or buy the components for a special High Tea. Get a tiered cake tray and fill it with the most incredible desserts and treats you can find (or make), make finger sandwiches and little nibbles and of course make sure you have a bottle of bubbles, napkins and flowers, lots of flowers!!
Get some recipes HERE!
6. A New Outfit
Buy her something new and get everyone dressed up for the day. Staying at home doesn’t always have to be trackies and leggings! Make the day special like you were going out for lunch! Try our one size fits most skirts, I wear them all the time, no matter how fat or skinny I am!
7. Do Something
Ask what is on her to do list (you probably already know somethings she's been wanting you to do) and just tick it off. Wrap a bow around it and present it as a gift!
8. Have a Picnic
We can’t go out and about, but you can still picnic on the lawn in the backyard. Hide the picnic food around the house and yard and set up a scavenger hunt (with the kids help of course) - start with and empty basket and a clue; once everyone works out the clue, they find the next clue etc. Then, by the end you have a complete picnic ready in the garden. Just like an Easter egg hunt but only for Mum! Make sure to include her faves!
Use Code Hugs for an upgrade to Express Shipping so they arrive in time
9. Day at the Spa
Set up your house as a day spa (my family did this last year and it was the best). Send her outside to read a book or Facetime her mum, then set up the house with a sign, Dad and the kids day spa then have a treatment room where you have her dressing gown and slippers waiting, set up for a massage, facial, pedicure etc... Have everything ready for a different child (or Dad) to do each treatment - research how to do it nicely and treat her to a few hours of bliss!
Get your at home kits HERE!
10. Candles
Don’t forget the candles! These set the scene, make your house smell different and really are a massive luxury for us Mums. I think these are the best from our neighbour in Belgrave at Soul Shapes - expand your consciousness is my personal fave!
Use Code Hugs for an upgrade to Express Shipping so they arrive in time!
11. Make a Video
Ask all of her friends & family what they love about her and put it together in a video. Using iMovie on your phone is free and super easy to splice together short videos and images. Kids can help with quote cards interspersed between the videos to make her truly feel like the most special person in the world!
12. Fancy Dinner
Order takeaway from her favourite restaurant for dinner - don’t ask her, just do it. Set the table like a restaurant, get out the napkins, tablecloths, full glassware setting, fancy bread and butter, loads of cutlery and a beautiful centrepiece of flowers. The kids could even dress up as special waiters and serve her. Make sure you do multiple courses so it feels super fancy!
13. Run a Bath
Pop her in a nice relaxing bath, with the candles you bought above, a relaxing playlist, champagne and strawberries! Most importantly, give her time alone to enjoy it!
Get some beautiful bath products HERE!
Use Code hugsformums for Free Shipping!
14. Safari for a Day
Has she always wanted to spend time with an animal? Play with the orangutans in Borneo? Dive with whale sharks in Ningaloo? Watch the penguins in Antarctica? If you want to go all out and a bit crazy, Pack a suitcase for her with some location appropriate clothes and when she comes out of the bedroom, you and the kids are all dressed up like she’s just landed in another country, don’t forget smells and temperature. Have a David Attenborough documentary ready and watch it with her!
15. Masterchef Tasting Plate
We do this all the time. Make a platter of her favourite foods, blindfold her and have her guess everything - then have a wonderful feast together!
16. Plant Flowers
Plant some bulbs together in the garden. Winter is the perfect time as bulbs are the first flowers in Spring, so get planting now and when we come through the other side of Covid-19, you’ll have a beautiful garden to remember your time together in isolation.
17. Let her Bake
Get a fancy dessert recipe that you know she would love (like really fancy, not packet cakes) and have all the ingredients ready in the kitchen for her to give it a go with the kids (or without - I'll leave that up to you).
18. Make a Love Jar
Get the kids (and you) to write down what they love about her on little bits of coloured paper and pop them into a jar (decorated of course)! Then whenever she’s feeling stressed or frazzled, someone can get her the jar and she can read something lovely about herself. She won’t be able to not smile then!
Most importantly, make her feel special - the world is a crazy place and keeping her family calm and nurtured are always her top priority, so on Mothers Day (May 10th,) make her feel like the most treasured person in the world. Even if she tells you it’s silly and she doesn’t care for Mothers Day – she does.
She does want to be special and be shown how much you love her!
I would love to hear how you get on and what response you got from these ideas - please send me a message or share a pic on our socials; @hugsforkids and #hugsforkids.
Happy Mothers Day to all the Dad’s out there - it’s going to be hard work for you but it’ll be worth it!