How To Handle Your First Weeks With A Newborn
Holy moly. The first few weeks after bringing home your first baby are insane. They are hectic, exhausting and overwhelming. You will laugh. You will cry.
But you will not shower...much.
Don’t get me wrong though, having a newborn is also full of excitement, joy and happiness but try to consider these tips to make sure it all goes as stress free and smooth as it can.
1. Look After Yourself
Try to eat healthy and do your best to drink lots of water. As best you can, avoid coffee to compensate for the lack of sleep and try to work out a sleep schedule with your partner so you both can get a least a little quality sleep. You're gong to need the energy.
2. Set Visiting Boundaries
We all love to see family and friends after the big day but, and it might sound selfish, after the first few days you need to let them know what works for you. Set limits like, "Call anytime on Monday Afternoon" or "After 6 on Wednesdays works for us". Doing this means you know when to expect them and you can plan feeding and sleeping in the knowledge you won’t be disturbed.
3. Housework? What Housework?
You've got enough on your plate with the whole new human to look after thing, so don’t try and keep the house sparkling clean and the laundry up-to-date. People won’t judge you by the state of your home if you have a newborn. They'll understand. And if they do judge, they probably don't have kids. Laugh evilly to yourself at the lesson they will soon learn.
4. Expect An Emotional Roller Coaster
Tiredness plays a big part in this, but I guarantee that you'll find yourself crying with tears of joy just looking at your little one and minute and the next you'll be crying real tears at how you can’t cope. Then you'll laugh hysterically at something you baby does before threatening to remove your husbands manhood because he breathes too loud. You're going to think the whole situation is out of control. Just remember - every parent feels this way and with each passing day you are learning more and growing in confidence.
5. Roll With It
This is the big one. Learn this early and life with kids might just not send you around the bend. Give yourself plenty of time to do every task like nursing, naps and shopping. Don't rush and don't schedule too tight becaus you will soon realise that nothing ever goes to plan with kids and even the simplest task can take forever.
6. Enjoy
Yes, it's hard. Yes, it's gross. Yes, it's tiring. But dammit, it's just amazing so take notice of everything because one day, they're a toddler.
And then it REALLY gets tough.