25 Things I Need To Teach My Son
Raising kids is a challenge in our modern era. More so than ever before as we learn from the past and re-shape the future.
Parents of girls face countless obstacles to address from body image, to consent, to the glass ceiling, and most of them are doing an amazing job raising strong, intelligent young women.
As the father of a beautiful boy though, I am on a quest to raise a good man - one who is kind, thoughtful and well-rounded but still strong and proud of who he is.
Raising a good boy to become a good man is a great responsibility, but it is also a wonderful privilege - one that I am determined to do to the very best of my abilities.
My goal is to raise the kind of man that will make the world a better place, a lofty aspiration indeed, but I figure it's worth the effort.
Here are 25 things I want him to know.
1. Dream Big
If science fiction has taught us anything, it is that imagination can become reality.
2. Big Dreams Require Big Work
Don't let challenges stop you from achieving the life you want.
3. You Are Special
You are uniquely you and that means something.
4. But You're Not The Centre Of The Universe
Don't let your ego rule your life.
5. How To Cook
A man should always be able to feed himself and his family.
6. How To Use Tools
Making and fixing and making things with your own hands is an invaluable skill.
7. How To Throw A Ball
You don't have to be an athlete but it's important to be active, be competitive and be a team player.
8. How To Be Tidy
Do your dishes, fold your clothes and scrub the toilet. You need to be able to look after yourself.
9. Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder
Don't let outside forces like the media and peers tell you what's attractive to you.
10. How To Dance
A party is always more fun if you can move to the music and no-one hates a dancer.
11. No Means No
Clear, unambiguous consent is mandatory, every time. No exceptions.
12. Be Kind
Always take the time to help people in need. If not for the grace of God...
13. Care For The Earth
It is the only home we have.
14. Be Courteous
Holding doors never goes out of style. For women, men or children. Courtesy is the secret to a connected society.
15. Give A Firm Handshake
Your handshake tells people all they need to know.
16. Be Friendly
Look people in the eye. Smile. Talk. Listen.
17. Say "Please" And "Thank You"
Not just with strangers, but with those close to you. It shows that you are thinking of them consciously.
18. Listen
It's not just about waiting for your turn to speak, it's about hearing what someone has to say.
19. Be A Lifelong Learner
There is always more to know. Ask questions. Be curious.
20. Say "Sorry" And Take Action
Never be too proud to admit when you've made a mistake and take action to right your wrongs.
21. Express Yourself
Don't be afraid to show emotions other than anger. It actually is okay to cry.
22. Laugh
Never underestimate the value of a sense of humour.
23. Take Action
Words are meaningless without action. Be a man of action.
24. Stand Tall
Stand up for yourself, and stand up for others.
25. Stay Strong
Do the right thing even when it's difficult.
Shouldn't be too hard...